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PHP vs Python: Which One To Choose For Web Development?

Web Development

22 Dec 2022

What is the best web development environment?

What is better PHP or Python?

What has more advantages PHP or Python Development?

What is more easy Python or PHP web development?

These questions have seemed to trouble web developers'  minds for a long time. Do these questions bother you too? If yes, this article is for you! Today, we will learn which web development is easier and more advantageous: PHP or Python. So without further ado, let us get into it!

Choosing the correct web development environment is essential for any web developer as it can affect the performance of the web and the goodwill of the web development company. Python and PHP are both backend development languages. 

Why choose python?

Python is an object-oriented functionality-based programming language. This has special libraries for the assortment of databases. It is easy to compute databases with and hence is the choice of some top web development companies. It is as easy to learn as java. It uses functionalities like dynamic binding.

Python is also versatile and runs on all major platforms including Linux. It is majorly used by science sectors for machine learning and deep learning model applications and testing. It has been launched for 20 years and many web developers have gained expertise in it ever since. 

Some facts about python:

  1. It was created in the late 1980s
  2. The very first version of python was created in 1994
  3. The newer version also works toward collecting garbage and cleaning the cache 
  4. It is an open-source programming language
  5. It is not type cast bound

There are numerous advantages to using python. Some of these are given below:

  1. It gives a boost to productivity 
  2. It has a huge collection of open-source libraries
  3. It is a free-to-use language
  4. It is easy to adapt to
  5. Lightweight codes that are easy to compute
  6. Various library functions to choose from
  7. It is an interpreted language

Now that we have learned about the various advantages of using python let us look at some of the cons of this programming language.

The list is as follows:

  1. The code can have run time errors if the libraries are not used correctly
  2. It comes with a lot of repeat memory space
  3. It is not so optimal for webiste development

So you might be wondering where this programming language is used. Well, we are here to help you with that. Python is used in various sectors. It is mainly used for development purposes by website development companies.

Python is also used for performing data analysis and sorting databases in an easy and less tiresome manner. It is also being used by scientists and health professionals in various fields like predicting the return of cancer and deep learning models for the analysis of various mental health illnesses. It is also used by the finance sector to keep a track of property details. 

Why choose PHP?

PHP stands for hypertext preprocessor. It is used for development and works on a variety of programming platforms ranging from Linux to windows. It is extremely user-friendly and is used mainly for the front-end coding of an app. It is free to use and easy to grasp. This is the reason it is chosen by noobs as well as top web development companies. Here are some facts about PHP:

  1. The very first version was released in 1998
  2. It is in accordance with all updated email rules
  3. It has easy connectivity
  4. XML was added to it in the year 2004
  5. In 2004 it became an autonomous part of the web

Now that we know a few things about PHP, let us look into the pros of using it for web development. The list of advantages is as follows:

  1. The code can be run on various platforms
  2. The coding is extremely similar to that in C
  3. The data representation is supported by various built-in libraries 
  4. It helps to reuse the code and hence saves a lot of space
  5. It has a large community which can help in easy solving of doubts
  6. One may avoid writing lengthy codes with the help of predeclared libraries. 

After reading the pros, hire web developers would also want to take a glance at the cons of using this language. The list given below might help you to consider the same. It is as follows:

  1. Using this framework can degrade the response time of the apps
  2. It is only applicable for smaller websites and apps that have fewer functionalities that are easy to code
  3. This framework does not allow you to modify or change the code easily
  4. You can face numerous run-time errors
  5. Debugging is difficult 

Hence, this was also about the advantages and disadvantages of PHP. But where exactly is PHP used? It is used in both clients as well as server-side scripting. It is also used to take user inputs in forms, and create dynamic websites that are easy to navigate for users.

Sessions and cookies, which store the data of the client temporarily and help in the customization of data according to the taste of the user are also created with the help of PHP. Another use is sending emails to clients for marketing and this base is topped up with highly decorate CSS and functional HTML.

PHP used hash codes that help in the easy encryption of data. This adds layer of security to the sensitive data that is being retrieved from the client through the forms that they submit.

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In the debate of PHP vs Python, the choice can be extremely confusing to choose one. Both have their own pros and cons. When it comes to python is extremely easy to code and is even used by scientists to sort out databases and predict the behavior of given data. On the other hand, PHP is used by web development companies for client-side scripting since it is extremely functional. This is used for taking inputs in the method of forms. Hence, one is advised to choose wisely before taking the final decision between these two.

22Dec 2022

Harnil Oza

Harnil Oza is a CEO and founder of a leading app development company, Hyperlink InfoSystem. He leads the efforts to identify and secure new business opportunities for the company, as well as develop and refine standard procedures for researching and tracking client information. With a pragmatic approach to learning and evolving with the latest trends and technologies, Harnil keeps the company ahead of the curve. Under his leadership, Hyperlink InfoSystem has achieved various milestones and follows a strategic roadmap to achieve digital success.

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