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The 5 Most Important Tips For a Successful Chatbot

App Development

25 Oct 2021

The use of an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot in customer communication is worthwhile for both companies and customers. This is because an AI chatbot automates communication processes in companies and customers have a smart 24/7 service available at the same time.
So far so good in theory. But what makes a good chatbot? So that you know what to watch out for in a successful chatbot, we have summarized the 5 most important tips.

1. Relevant and helpful answers
Before a chatbot is used in communication, companies often have doubts about user acceptance of a chatbot. “Do my website visitors want to use the chatbot at all?”, “May my target group talk to a machine?”.

The clear answer to this is that website visitors or target audiences want one thing for sure: helpful and relevant answers to their questions and concerns. Who gave the relevant answer is actually irrelevant. Much more important is that the user gets a helpful answer at all. Therefore, a chatbot stands or falls with the topics and answers that it masters.

It is therefore important that a chatbot really masters the topics that are important to your users and that they provide adequate and well-formulated answers.

2. Engaging chatbot persona
It cannot be said often enough: a chatbot should be presented exactly for what it is. Namely as a digital assistant. A chatbot cannot and will not replace humans. To avoid confusion among website visitors in the first place, it is important to communicate from the outset that this is not a live chat with a person, but a chatbot / digital assistant.

However, this does not mean that the bot's identity should be machine-like or aloof. It is ideal to give the chatbot a name and to design an appealing avatar. This makes the bot appear approachable, personable and personal to website visitors.
Companies can easily edit their avatar and color using an editor, so that the chatbot definitely corresponds to the corporate identity.

3. Fallback messages and human takeover processes
Not all concerns can be answered by a chatbot, especially in the case of emotional and complex inquiries, it makes sense for a human employee to take care of the concern. If the chatbot receives a user request that it cannot answer, it is important that the chatbot's AI recognizes this and offers a suitable fallback response.

In this response, it can be communicated, for example, that the chatbot cannot help with this matter, while other topics are then suggested that are just as relevant and that the chatbot can help with. If the suggestions of other topics do not match, it is important to offer the

user a contact option with a human employee. If the chatbot transfers the conversation to a human employee, it is called a human takeover.

It is ideal if the user stays in the same chat window and the conversation with an employee is continued there according to the context.

4. Insight into KPIs and performance
As the popular saying goes, measure what can be measured. Automating communication processes using chatbots and offering users added value at all times is a great thing. But it's just as great to analyze how well the chatbot is actually performing. The interaction between users and the chatbot should be monitored continuously in order to identify exactly which topics the chatbot has mastered well and which questions are still lacking.

In the dashboard of some AI solutions, live insights, user feedback, degree of automation and many other KPIs can be viewed at any time, giving a good overview. The special thing about is that the AI also independently suggests topics that it does not yet know, but that are apparently relevant for users. This feature is called dreaming. 

5. Omni-channel usability and easy integration
The chatbot should fit well with your communication and channel strategy. If your company receives a lot of customer messages, especially on Facebook, then you should make sure that the chatbot is also played well on Facebook. And speaking of "well played out" - before a chatbot can be played, it has to be integrated into the website, the Facebook account and, if desired, into the company's CRM system. Many people shy away from this technical integration.

On some AI solutions, there is no need to worry, because the integration of the chatbot is by no means a mammoth technical project. The integration code is just a two-line line and can be integrated with the Google Tag Manager.

The use of chatbots on the company's website is particularly worthwhile. Nowadays, a large part of the (potential) customers and the target group are on the website, be it to purchase a product or service or to look around and gather information. But no matter how different the intentions of website visitors are: A friendly chat is never wrong. Afterall, frustrated website visitors who cannot find the desired destination run a high risk of bouncing off.

If done right, little can go wrong with integrating chatbots into customer communications. Many AI solutions have agile project process so that a quick and optimal live experience is guaranteed. This project flow is a kind of roadmap, according to which companies can orientate themselves in order to launch a successful chatbot step-by-step and without great effort. You should consider the integration of excellent chatbot on your website ss this would help not only in saving time but it is also cost effective. Hyperlink InfoSystem is a leading AI solution development company.

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25Oct 2021

Harnil Oza

Harnil Oza is a CEO and founder of a leading app development company, Hyperlink InfoSystem. He leads the efforts to identify and secure new business opportunities for the company, as well as develop and refine standard procedures for researching and tracking client information. With a pragmatic approach to learning and evolving with the latest trends and technologies, Harnil keeps the company ahead of the curve. Under his leadership, Hyperlink InfoSystem has achieved various milestones and follows a strategic roadmap to achieve digital success.

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