****** App
On-Demand Food Delivery App - Get Your Food Delivered Faster!
****** is a food ordering app, and it is designed to deliver the foods as per the customer's requirement from the app. This app offers services like delivery, pick up, and reservations, browse your favorite local restaurants and beverage stores. The customer can choose various cuisines from the app and place the order to their respective home, work, dinner-party, etc. There is no limit for delivery places. Customers can track the preparation time and order on maps in real-time. This app accepts all major credit cards by the customer, and currently, the services are available in New Providence, Bahamas. Moreover, this app is also designed for drivers who want to earn as drivers by delivering food and creating extra income. The driver just needs to sign in with necessary proofs and follow the guideline of the ****** app.

Client Requirements
Our client wanted to develop a food and beverage delivery app for the customer called ****** user app and driver in the Bahamas location. The app's design must satisfy the customer in terms of ordering foods, searching nearby restaurants, filtering the food list, options of paying procedure with multiple major wallets, applying promo code for discounts, and can also cancel the order, but the charges must get applied. The client wanted to develop another app for the driver called ****** driver app who wishes to deliver the foods and earn the ****** app's guideline. Drivers can register their accounts for food delivery in the ****** app by submitting the proofs of identification and accepts the terms and conditions such as safe drive, punctuality, etc. Three panels must prepare such for the customer, driver, and admin of ******. Hence the client approaches the Hyperlink Infosystem to develop such an app with his requirements.

On-Demand Food Delivery App Features
For Customer
Signup / Login
- Register for the app by providing essential details.
- Users can log in using email and password.
- Users can also log in through Facebook and Google.
Referral Code
- User can share their unique code to other apps using native share.
- If the respective person user uses the referral code, then the referral code user will receive money in the wallet.
Enter OTP
- To verify the user's mobile number, a unique one time OTP password will be shared with the user's register number for verification.
Forgot Password
- User needs to enter their respective email address and then later, a temporary password will send to the corresponding mail id. You can use it to set your new password.
- Users can view offers, nearby restaurants, track orders, search restaurants, and check the availability of such options.
- Users can use services like Order Food & Order Beverage.
- Users can select a favorite Restaurant to access it later quickly.
Order Food & Order Beverage
- User can view restaurants & beverage, check their availability, rating, search & filter restaurants & drinks.
- Users can choose their menu, toppings, and quantity and place their order by selecting the appropriate option as Order Type (Pickup/Delivery).
Add Dish to Cart
- Users can click on the dish, and they would redirect to the cart page.
- Users can also add extras if they want like set quantity. And the price will place according to it.
- Users can view selected dishes in the cart, and they can also change the quantity or edit that dish with the note.
- Users can apply a promo code to get a discount.
- Users can view the total amount with tax and delivery charges and discount amount if applicable and applied.
- Once done, they can click on the check out to place orders.
- Payment is made via credit cards.
My Orders
- Users can see all past orders and can view the status/history of their respective orders.
- In case any dish or beverage is not available with the restaurant, then the corresponding restaurant will notify about it. Users can add a new dish in order or cancel the selected order.
- Users can cancel the order any time they want, but cancellation charges would get applied as per the cancellation time.
Live Tracking
- The order will assign to the driver who is nearby Restaurant.
- Once the driver accepts, the user can track their order.
- Users can see ETA from the app.
Once the order is complete, the user can rate the restaurant and driver out of 5 stars.
Users can use promo codes and get a fantastic offer & discount.
Users can add money from their cards to the wallet and can make payment through the wallet.
My Profile
- Users can edit information like first name, last name, email, country code, phone number.
- Users can view and manage their notifications, password, and address and saved cards.
Contact Us
For any issues or queries, the user can contact the admin.
For Driver
My Order Tab
- Drivers can sign up with their necessary details.
- The driver can log in using email and password.
Upload Id Proofs
- The driver needs to upload ID Proof Images from the app.
- Admin needs to approve the driver before they log in.
Turn service on/off
The driver can turn on or off service via the app. The order would only assign to the driver who has on service.
Order Request
- The driver can view the requested order. They need to accept it at a particular time, or the order will get canceled and assigned to other drivers.
- The driver can only view the order of customer and restaurant location from where they need to pick-up the order.
- Once the driver pickups the order, then they can see the location of the customer.
- They can see the map with the location.
- The driver can click on the navigate button to open Google Maps with the customer's navigation option.
Complete Order
Once the driver clicks on the complete order, then the order will get completed.
My Profile
- User can update their information like name, email, phone no, vehicle type, driver license.
- Users can change the password and view notifications.
Order History
Users can view the history of orders.
My Earnings
User can view their earnings - Yearly, Weekly & Monthly.
Driver Metrics
Users can view the amount for working hours, Rejection Rate & Cancellation Rate.
Contact Us
The driver can contact the admin for any issues or queries.
More Screens

Admin Panel
The Admin panel has a lot of handy functionalities. As per the client requirement, we have developed a dashboard for the admin where he can manage the users, posts, categories, content violations and restrictions along with detailed app analytics about application usage to user engagement.
Admin Management
- Super Admin can view all sub-admin list, edit, active/inactive sub-admin, view sub-admin profiles.
- Super Admin can assign access privileges to sub-admin, search, and export and also delete sub-admin details.
Subscriber Management
Super Admin can view all subscribers list, edit active/inactive subscribers, view subscriber profiles, search subscribers, export subscribers, mark as the flag, wallet history. And also can add wallet on specific subscribers and also delete subscriber details.
Restaurant Management
Super Admin can view all restaurant list, add, edit, active/inactive restaurant,view restaurant details(restaurant Opening/Closing, order history, Bank information, Send SMS, restaurant timestamp history), search restaurant, export restaurant, and can view restaurant ratings and even delete restaurant details.
Reports Management
- Sale report, - Vendor report, - Driver report, - Customer report, - Service report, - Payment report, - Dashboard report, - Special Beverage report, - Error charge report
Payment Management
Driver Settlement
List of all drivers who have the pending list on payment for settlement, export driver settlement.
Restaurant Settlement
List of all restaurants with the awaiting list on the price for settlement, export restaurant settlement.
Beverage Settlement
List of all beverages that have pending on payment for settlement, export beverage settlement.
Special Beverage Order Management
Super admin can view the list of all special beverage orders, view full order details, and super admin can Accept/Reject special beverage order.
Promocode Management
Super Admin can view all promo code lists, add, edit, active/inactive promo code, view promo code details, search promo code, export promo code, and delete promo code details.
Cuisine Management
Super Admin can view all cuisine lists, add, edit, active/inactive cuisine, search cuisine, and delete cuisine details.
Notification Management
Subscriber : List of all sent notification, Send notification to the selected subscriber, send a message to all subscribers and send an alert with a specific date-time.
Driver : List of all sent messages, send notifications to the driver chosen, send a notification to all and selected driver, and send the notification with a specific date-time.
Restaurant : List of all sent notification, Send notification to the selected restaurant, send a notification to all restaurants, and send the notification with a specific date-time.
Beverage : List of all sent notification, Send notification to the preferred beverage, send a notification to all drinks, and send the notification with a specific date-time.
Beverage Management
Super Admin can view all beverage lists, add, edit, active/inactive beverage, view beverage details (beverage OPENING/CLOSING, order history, Bank information, Send SMS, beverage timestamp history), search beverage, export beverage, and super admin can see beverage ratings and also delete beverage details.
Order Status Management
Super Admin can view total counts and individual status wise counts for food order, beverage order, and particular beverage order.
Order History Management
Food Order : Super Admin can view food order history, filter the order by (customer, restaurant, driver, and status), search order, and view full order details.
Beverage Order : Super Admin can view beverage order history, filter the order by (customer, beverage, driver, and status), search order, and view full order details.
Special Beverage Order : Super Admin can view special beverage order history, order the filter by (Date range and status), search order and view full order details.
Archives Management
Subscriber : List of all archives subscribers, deleted status can change to active and search subscribers.
Driver : List of all archives driver, deleted status can change to active and search a driver.
Restaurant : List of all archives restaurant, deleted status can change to active and search restaurant.
Beverage : List of all archives beverage, deleted status can change to active and explore beverage.
CMS Management
Terms And Conditions : Super admin can change the term content, and this will affect the application for customers and drivers.
Privacy Policy : Super admin can change the policy content concerning the application for customers and drivers.
FAQ's : Super admin can change FAQ's content, which will affect the application for customers and drivers.
Training Manual Management
Videos : List of training videos for driver/vendor.
Manuals : List of training manuals for driver/vendor.
Policies Procedures : List of training policies' procedures for driver/vendor.
Settings Management
Super Admin can set general configuration, driver configuration, and vendor configuration.
Contact Us
Super Admin can view the issues or queries of customers/drivers/vendors.
Vendor Panel
The restaurant can log in using the email address and password.
Operating Hours
The vendor can add three slots in operating hours.
- The vendor can open/close in the operating hour slot.
- The vendor can view, save & edit their bank account details.
The vendor can view dashboard reports - Daily, Weekly, and Monthly as mentioned below:
- Total sales
- Total number of orders
- Average Dollar amount per total sale
- Number of Customers
- Number of Repeat Customers
- Vendor Rating
- Total Number of Page Visits
- Order Status
- Order Rate Metrics
- Vendor RaThe vendor can view the total number of Sub Admin, Menu, Dishes, Item Customizations, Promos, and Order History.
- The vendor can view the total number order and order status per state: Pending, Pending Cancellation, Preparing, and Completed, on the way, Delivered, Rejected, and Cancelled.
Sub Admin
The vendor can add, view, edit, delete active/inactive, search sub-vendor, and allocate them for permission to access the vendor panel.
The vendor can add, view, edit, delete active/inactive, search sub-vendor, and allocate them for permission to access the vendor panel.
The vendor can add, view, and edit, delete, active/inactive, search dishes with Name, Price, Special Offer, Food (Veg/Non-Veg) & Item Customization.
Item Customization
The vendor can add, view, edit, delete, active/inactive, search item, and customize. The customization option is given below.
Category: (Ex. Customize, Sides, Toppings, Dips, Extras)
- Type: (Ex. Vendor selects the category with customize option. Customize type would be listed like the choice of Meat, choice of Bread, choice of Cheese, etc.)
- Title
- Required Amount (Ex. No required amount, Required to pick 1, needed to pick two, etc.)
- Items (Vendor can add/edit/delete up to 20 items: name and price for each item customization.)
- Order Food List
- The vendor can view order detail.
- The vendor can view the current day's order in each state: Pending, Pending Cancellation, Preparing, and Completed, on the way, Delivered, Rejected, and Cancelled.
- Pending:
- The vendor can accept or reject the order. The vendor has a specified time to accept or reject the order.
The vendor needs to add preparation time & Order size (Normal/Large).
The vendor needs to select the reason to reject the order:
1. Don't have a specific menu item Menu & Dishes would be listed. The vendor needs to select a menu or dishes that are not available; based on it, the menu or dish will be marked as unavailable.
2. The vendor is too busy to fulfill. If the vendor doesn't perform any action within 10 mins of order, the vendor receives a reminder notification, and the order gets transferred to the Pending Cancellation state.
Pending Cancellation
If the vendor doesn't perform any action within the next 5 mins, the order gets canceled and converted to canceled state.
The vendor can view dashboard reports - Daily, Weekly, and Monthly as mentioned below:
- Total sales
- Total number of orders
- Average Dollar amount per total sale
- Number of Customers
- Number of Repeat Customers
- Vendor Rating
- Total Number of Page Visits
- Order Status
- Order Rate Metrics
- The vendor can view the total number of Sub Admin, Menu, Dishes, Item Customizations, Promos, and Order History.
- The vendor can view the total number order and order status per state: Pending, Pending Cancellation, Preparing, and Completed, on the way, Delivered, Rejected, and Cancelled.
Being prepared
- The vendor can view order details, edit preparation time, and can manually assign the driver.
- In the last 10 min of prep time, the system will automatically begin to search for a driver.
Once the order is prepared by the vendor and the driver has picked it, the order is transferred to the "Completed" state.
On the Way
When the driver picks up the order from the vendor, the order is transferred to the "On the Way" state.
When the driver delivers the order, the order is transferred to the "Delivered" state.
The vendor can add, view, and edit, delete, active/inactive, search promo code from the panel with the following details:
- Promocode
- Type : Amount / Percentage
- Amount / Percentage
- Start Date
- End Date
- Minimum Amount ($)
- Total Count
- Per-User Count
- Description
- Order History
- Vendors can view, search, export past orders.
Vendor Details
The vendor can edit necessary information, Minimum Order Amount ($), Vendor's Minimum Delivery (Mile), VAT (VAT / NON VAT), Service Type (Pick Up, Delivery), Banner Images, Main Image, Address.
Report Management
- Vendor Reports, - Payment Statements, - Dashboard, Reports
The vendor receives a notification when a new order request arrives & pending cancellation or notification sent by Admin.
Contact Us
The vendor can contact the admin for any issues or queries.
Users can view the necessary information on the website.
To Join as ****** Driver, the user needs to follow the below steps:
Sign Up : Click "Sign Up" and complete the application form. A ****** representative will follow up with you once your application is reviewed.
Complete Training : To begin driving with ******, you must first complete the online training course.
Log In : Once your account has been verified, you will be able to log in to the ****** driver app and begin to deliver.
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Technology Stacks
We have used the latest technologies that can justify client requirements at the best to deliver bug-free solutions.