You can search for millions of available jobs online with an excellent job search portal such as Indeed. Job and career portals are important instruments for professional personnel marketing. Companies have the opportunity to present themselves to future employees as an attractive employer tailored to their target groups. You can fill company profiles with content such as interviews, insights into the company, videos and photos. At the same time, they can reach more people thanks to their high reach than via their own career page.
An Overview of The Possible Contents of a Job Portal
Recent job offers
Company presentation
Application guide
Integration of social media
User area
Advantages of Online Job Portals
While the Internet is an effective solution for posting and finding job vacancies, it also has drawbacks for both recruiters and candidates. With job portals, the recruiting process is easier. However, this does not allow to know exactly the motivation of the candidates.
The Advantages of Recruiting Sites For Candidates
Job portals allows candidates to save time in the job search. Instead of moving within companies for a few days, job seekers only have to devote a few minutes or hours to consult job offers from companies. So, in one day, at most, they can compare several offers and choose the ones that seem interesting to them. In addition, on a recruitment site, the position offered is generally very detailed and no longer requires additional information. In this sense, the candidate will be able to send his application online and in a few clicks.
The Advantages of Recruiting Sites For Recruiters
For companies, posting job offers on a recruitment site helps streamline the recruitment process. Indeed, the online solution reduces the formal process. This also makes it easier to make an appointment with the candidate. By consulting the latter's application file, the hiring manager can send an invitation email for an interview. Moreover, in terms of cost, recruitment sites are very economical, because they do not require a large budget. other than that, recruiters can make changes to ads posted on a site.
Important Features of Mobile App Development
Everyone knows simple apps that provide little information. These can be created quickly. If companies have complex apps created, this can easily reach several hundred working hours. Mobile applications often contain one or more of the following components.
User Login
There are many benefits to having a user log in to your platform. On the one hand, confidential information can also be displayed, and on the other hand, this enables clear identification. Logging in is traditionally done with an email address and password, but concepts such as social media login are modern. This can then be used to create personalized profiles.
Push Notifications
The turnover to be achieved depends largely on the interactions within the app. The more often the application is used, the more it pays off for companies that have apps developed. The real-time information shows the user important information. Different message types can be integrated here. The programming effort ultimately also depends on this.
The user experience is the most important element. Only intuitive navigation ensures satisfied users. Companies that have an app built should rely on a team of experts. Because they can contribute a lot of know-how and experience. There are also some actions available for programming this component.
Along with the navigation, the design should be appealing. It is important here that the design expert implements the horizontal as well as the vertical view. Depending on the content, one or the other view is suitable. For companies that have an app made, the corporate design should also be used.
Integration of Additional Services
A smartphone takes on many tasks today. The device can also be used as a wallet, navigation device and camera. Google Maps and Google Pay can be perfectly integrated and thus create another advantage for the user.
In the customer area, the integration of chat services and messenger services is ideal. This allows users to get in direct contact with their advisors or to share content with friends and acquaintances. This approach increases the reach and loyalty enormously.
Advertising within the apps is a popular means of making money. Companies that have an app developed often allow a free version with advertisement and a paid premium version without any advertisement. This allows different interests to be served.
Mobile applications can be designed with any complexity. The more the integrated functions, the greater the expected benefit. At the same time, not all companies have the necessary skills to implement such a project. Then external development agencies such as Hyperlink InfoSystem are required.
Hyperlink InfoSystem can assist you with the development of a mobile app similar to Indeed. The development cost of a mobile app is usually influenced by the features to be integrated with the app. The cost of Indeed clone can range between $10,000 and $20,000.